Track your
orders easily
Just enter your Mobile Number, AWB tracking
number or Order ID & it’s done.
Track By:

Click ‘Verify OTP’ to sign up with Digilogix while accepting our Terms & Conditions.

Can’t Find Your Order Details?We sent your AWB tracking number to you via Email & SMS upon
order confirmation.
What’s your order status?Your order status in logistics refers to the real-time location and progress of your shipment within the transportation network.
Create ShipmentCreate ShipmentThe shipment process ensures
items are securely packaged
Order ReceivedOrder ReceivedYour order has been
received by your courier
Order PickedOrder PickedYour order has been
picked up by your
courier partner
Order In TransitOrder In TransitYour order is on its way
to your customer’s
Out For DeliveryOut For DeliveryThe courier executive
is on its way to deliver
the order
Reached DestinationReached DestinationYour order has reached
your customer’s city
What’s your order status?Your order status in logistics refers to the real-time location and progress of your shipment within the transportation network.
Create ShipmentCreate ShipmentThe shipment process ensures
items are securely packaged
Order ReceivedOrder ReceivedYour order has been
received by your courier
Order PickedOrder PickedYour order has been
picked up by your
courier partner
Order In TransitOrder In TransitYour order is on its way
to your customer’s
Out For DeliveryOut For DeliveryThe courier executive
is on its way to deliver
the order
Reached DestinationReached DestinationYour order has reached
your customer’s city
Why delivery tracking
Keep track of your shipments with quick courier-tracking
using your AWB tracking number

Frequently asked questions

Do I have to keep my shipment packed or will the pickup executive pack it for me?
How can I change my phone number or the address of my existing order?
Can I change the weight of my existing order?
What is the weight limit for shipments booked on Digilogix Direct?
Why am I not able to choose 'Today' as my pickup day preference?
Looking to ship as a business instead?
company-logoMeeting customer needs from one end of the
supply chain to the other
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